Use also this tutorial, or this Word 97 Tutorial (still useful).
Print Preview is still another view, but you should use it just for checking, not for working in this mode.
Select the word and click Tools|Language|Thesaurus of press Shift+F7. Even quicker, just rhightclick on the word to get the shortcut menu, and click Synonyms.
Choose Tools|Spelling and Grammar to check that.
Use wild cards by using "?" for any single character, "*" for any string, and much more...
Either select (highlight) text. Then this will be reformatted. Or just reformat. Then the changes will remain for what you will type.
Be careful, using too many fonts may look unprofessional.
by pressing F4 or clicking on Edit|Repeat Formatting. Another possibility is to use the Format Painter. Select the text you want to copy the format, click on the icon, and brush over the text to format.
is not printed, but may or may not seen on the screen, depending on the settings in the Tools|Options menu. To hide text, select it and click Format|Font and click "Hidden text".
Sometimes it is useful to show the paragraph marks. Click on the paragraph button (inverted P) on the standard toolbar.
In each paragraph, you can choose
A "soft return" or "break": Press Shift+Enter.
You can change them in Print Preview View. In Print Layout View, move the mouse between first line indent and hanging indent dent until a double arrow occurs. Then drag. To the right it is easier.
Choose the "View" menu. Headers and footers are not visible in normal view.
A part of the document with different formatting than the other part. Use Insert|Break|Section Breaks and choose whether the new section should start right now (continuous) or on the next page. Within sections you may have different margins, header/footer, even different page numbering.
You can add "hard page breaks", "soft page breaks" are usually made by Word.
go to Format|Drop Cap, and choose.
default character and paragraph formatting, for different parts like title, headings, footnotes, ....
Create a new style by placing the cursor in a formatted paragraph. Change the word in the style box (left). Press Enter. Change other parts by placing the cursor and choosing the new style from the style box.
Newly created style can only be used in that document, unless you save it as a template, Format|Style|Organizer
In Autoformat, Word tries to match an appropriate style form the current template to each part of your text. Use Format|Autoformat.
try different templates applied on your document Tools|Templates.
Tabs are either left-aligned, right-aligned, decimal, or centered. You may want to fill the space between tabs with a "leader". Set or change tabs by highlighting the paragraph and clicking on the tab alignment button on the left, and clicking on the ruler.
Tables are a little more complex. ....
You may also use the Table|Insert Table|Autoformat
You need two files: The main document and the data source, containing the addresses.
Select Tools|MailMerge. Create a data source by clicking on Get data and Create Data Source. Remove and add fields. Click OK and name it. Then enter data
In the main document, if you want to include any of the data, click on Insert Merge Field button on the Mail Merge toolbar and select what you want to include.
Merge by clicking on the merge button.