Overview over the Examples

Name Zero sum Players Random- ness Sim, Seq Infor-mation Mixed special
Selecting Class -3,5-sim-
Doctor Location Game .2-sim-.
Restaurant Location Game .2-sim-.
Election I 02-sim-.requires Excel

Dividing Few Items I -2-seqperfect
Shubik Auction I -2-seqperfect

DMA Soccer I -2+sim-
Dividing Few Items II -2-+seqperfectSimulations and Statistics
Sequential Quiz Show I 03+seqperfectData and Graphs
Duel -2+seqperfect
Mini Blackjack and Card Counting I 02+seqperfect
Shubik Auction II -2,3+seqperfectData and Graphs
Sequential Quiz Show II 03+seqperfectcooperation
Dividing Few Items III -2-+seqincompleteincomplete

Waiting for Mr. Perfect I -2+roundsimperfect-normal form
VNM-Poker and Kuhn Poker 02+seqimperfectnormal form

Airport Shuttle -2-sim-Mix
Election II 02-sim-Mixrequires Excel
Waiting for Mr. Perfect II -2+seqimperfectMix
DMA Soccer II -2+roundsimperfectMixsubgames
Multiple-Round Chicken -2+seqimperfectMixnormal form and subgames
Name Zero sum Players Random- ness Sim, Seq Infor-mation Mixed
Chairman Paradox -3-sim...
LegislatorsVote -3-sim, seqperfect
Matching Chairs I -2-seq...
Household Time Allocation -2-sim...
3 Spinner 02+sim...Mix
Simultaneous Quiz Show 02,3+sim...Mix
Mini LeHer 02+seqimperfectMix
3-Person Mora versus 3-Person Rock-Scissors-Paper 03-sim...Mix, Coalition
Cinque-Uno 02-...Mix
Auction -2--...
Matching Chairs II -2-......