List of Talks
(Invited talks are printed in blue)
- Sterngraphen (star graphs), FU Berlin, 10/84;
- Darstellung von Digraphen auf Bäumen (Representation of
digraphs on trees), Combinatorics meeting Bielefeld 11/86;
- Durchschnittsgraphen von Teilbaumfamilien eines n-zyklomatischen
Graphen (intersection graphs of subtree-families of an n-cyclomatic
graph), DMV-Conference Berlin 9/87;
- Minimale Verbindungen von
Hypergraphen (minimum connections in hypergraphs), Combinatorics
meeting Bielefeld 11/87;
- Familien zusammenhängender
Teilgraphen eines Graphen und ihre Durchschnittsgraphen (families of
connected subgraphs of a graph and their intersection graphs),
Disputation Hamburg 3/1988 ;
- Homologie und Konvergenz der
iterierten Cliquengraphen (homology and convergence of iterated
clique graphs), DMV-Conference Regensburg 9/88;
- Konvergenz der
iterierten Cliquengraphen (convergence of iterated clique graphs),
Combinatorics meeting Bielefeld 11/88;
- Clique graphs, line
graphs, and Betti numbers, Geometry conference Dortmund 5/89;
- Der
Simplizialkomplex eines Graphen (The simplicial complex of a graph),
Combinatorics meeting Bielefeld 11/89;
- Durchschnittsgraphen (intersection graphs),
Math. Gesellschaft Hamburg - Conference 3/90;
- On the clique graph function, Graph Theory - Conference in
Oberwolfach 6/90;
- On cycle graphs, DMV-Conference Bremen 9/90;
- The dynamics of the line and path graph operators,
Combinatorics Conference Bielefeld 11/90;
- Graphs orientable as in-tournaments, 2nd Twente workshop on
graphs and combinatorial optimization, Enschede (the Netherlands)
- Algorithmen für Intervall Digraphen (algorithms for
interval digraphs), DMV-Conference Bielefeld 9/91;
- Fixe unendliche Graphen (fixed infinite graphs), Combinatorics
meeting Braunschweig, 11/91;
- Graphs with few cliques, Seventh International
Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and
Applications, Kalamazoo, Michigan 6/92;
- Algorithms for interval catch digraphs, Sixth SIAM Conference on
Discrete Mathematics, Vancouver 6/92;
- Facettengraphen (facet graphs), DMV-Conference Berlin, 9/92;
- Graphs with few cliques, Combinatorics meeting Braunschweig,
- Interval digraphs, Aalborg (Denmark), 4/93;
- Iterierte Graphenoperatoren (iterated graph-valued functions),
Talk (Habilitation) Hamburg, 5/93;
- Chip firing on digraphs, 3rd Twente workshop on graphs and
combinatorial optimization,
Enschede 6/93;
- Transformations of colored necklaces with applications to graph
transformations, International Conference on Combinatorics,
Kesthely/Hungary, 7/93;
- Radius versus diameter in cocomparability and intersection
graphs, Combinatorics meeting Braunschweig, 11/93;
- Algorithms for interval digraphs, Hingsdavl Conference on
Theory (Denmark), 5/94;
- a) Graph Dynamics,
b) On some discrete dynamical system,
both Santiago de Chile, 10/94;
- Parallel chip firing on digraphs, Valparaiso (Chile), 10/94;
- Intersection multigraphs of triangles,
Combinatorics meeting Hamburg, 11/94;
- Line graphs - a survey, Special Session on Surveys in Graph
Theory, Joint Mathematics Meeting San Francisco, 1/95;
- Parallel chip firing on graphs and digraphs, Dagstuhl
seminar on
Cellular Automata, 3/95;
- In-tournament digraphs, Tenth Clemson mini-Conference on
Discrete Mathematics, Clemson, SC
- Radius versus diameter in cocomparability and intersection graphs,
Joint Mathematics Meeting in Orlando, FL, 1/96;
- Centers of Special Graphs, Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Baton Rouge, LA 2/96;
- a) Graph Dynamics,
b) Distance in tree-like graphs,
Indiana University - Purdue University at Fort Wayne, IN, 3/96;
- Distance in tree-like graphs, Ball State University,
Muncie, IN,
- Source reversal and chip firing on graphs, 8th Quadrennial
International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms,
and Applications, Kalamazoo, MI, 6/96;
- Distance approximating spanning trees,
Eighth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Baltimore, 6/96;
- Unterliegende Graphen von iterierten Line Digraphen
(underlying graphs of iterated line digraphs),
small workshop: combinatorics of networks, Nakensdorf (Germany),
- How many cliques are in intersection graphs of k-uniform
hypergraphs, Combinatorics meeting Braunschweig, 11/96;
- Distance approximating spanning trees, Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS97), Lübeck, 3/97;
- Bicliques in graphs and their use in recognizing k-path graphs and
underlying graphs
of line digraphs, 5th Twente workshop on graphs and
combinatorial optimization, Enschede,
- Bicliques in graphs II: Recognizing k-path graphs and underlying graphs of
line digraphs, WG97 (Workshop on graph-theoretic concepts in computer science), Berlin,
- On distance- or eccentricity-approximating trees in graphs,
16th International Symposium om Mathematical Programming (ISMP97),
Lausanne, Switzerland 8/97;
- The number of bicliques in graphs, The third Krakow Conference on Graph Theory, "Kazimierz '97" , Poland 9/97;
- Einführung in das Gebiet der Durchschnittsgraphen
(introduction to intersection graphs),
colloquium talk at the
Technical University Freiberg 1/98;
- Intersection graphs, College of
North Manchester, IN, USA,
- Intersection graphs, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 3/98;
- How many cliques are in intersection graphs of k-uniform
hypergraphs?, Southeastern International
Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Boca Raton, FL, 3/98;
- Bicliques in graphs, Special session on
Combinatorics & Graph Theory at the Regional Meeting in
Louisville, KY, 3/98;
- Graph Minors, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 6/98;
- Intersection graphs of linear 3-uniform hypergraphs,
Combinatorics meeting Braunschweig, 11/98;
- Generating large interconnection networks via graph operators, 5/99, U Barcelona, Spain;
- Generating large interconnection networks via graph operators, 5/99,
Twente Universiteit Enschede;
- Large induced subgraphs of
bounded mximum degree in grids, 6th Twente workshop on graphs and
combinatorial optimization, Enschede, 5/99;
- The role of clique multigraphs in intersection graph theory,
Dagstuhl Seminar on "Graph Decompositions and Algorithmic Applications",
- Generating large interconnection networks via graph operators,
IWACOIN 99, Schwerin, 8/99;
- Sand Piles Discrete Models: Theory and Applications,
(together with E. Goles),
Chilean-german Kickoff Workshop on Information Technology,
Santiago de Chile, 9/99;
- Generating large interconnection networks
via graph operators,
Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 12/99;
- k-pseudosnakes in large grids,
University of Louisville, 3/2000;
- Erzeugung von Verbindungsnetzwerken
mittels Graphenoperatoren,
colloquium talk at the TU Cottbus, 4/2000;
- k-pseudosnakes in large grids, MIGHTY, Dayton, OH, 10/2000;
- k-pseudosnakes in large grids, Joint AMS-MAA Conference in New Orleans, LA, 1/2001;
- 'Good' spanning trees and 'good' orientations in graphs,
University of Louisville, 3/2001;
- 'Good' spanning trees and 'good' orientations in graphs, Wright State University, 4/2001;
- Good spanning trees in graphs, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile,
- a) Recognizing certain intersection graphs via clique multigraphs,
b) Presentation of the software "GO" ,
Latin-American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs, Rio de Janeiro, 4/2002 (planned);
- Good spanning trees and good orientations in graphs,
University of Rostock, June 2002;
- k-Pseudosnakes in n-dimensional hypercubes, CTW 2004,
Conference on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization,
Como, Juni 2004;
- k-Pseudosnakes in n-dimensional hypercubes, 20'th British Combinatorial
Conference, Durham, July 2005;
- A generalization of the wolf-goat-cabbage problem, ODSA 2006,
Rostock, September 2006;
- Why Cliques?, Third Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs,
Guanajuato, Mexiko, Oktober 2008;
- Placement Games on Graphs, GTM2010 - Forth International Conference “Game Theory and Management”,
St. Petersburg, June 2010, Abstract.
- Change of Degrees, Distance, and Size for some Graph Operators,
ICRTGC-2010, International Conference on Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Combinatorics, August 2010,
Cochin, India, Abstract.
Erich Prisner, 2010