
Hyperlinks are certainly at the core of HTML documents. To create links, you use the so-called anchor tags <A> with attribute HREF="...". For instance, if you include
<A HREF="http://www.yahoo.com/"> Go to Yahoo</A>
in your source code, the browser will display the following:
Go to Yahoo
Click on the word and you open the Yahoo homepage.

To link to some of your homepages (say to "class12.html") that are in the same folder than the html file where the link is in, you just write
<A HREF="CorelDraw.html">
Go to the Corel Draw page</A>
and the browser will display the following:
Go to the Corel Draw page.
Again, if your files are in several folders, you may have to use relative path names. Therefore it is simplest to put all your web page files, HTML files and images, in just one folder.

By the way: If you want to leave the frame, you need something like
<A HREF="CorelDraw.html" TARGET="_top"> Go to the Corel Draw page</A>
Go to the Corel Draw page.
and, if you want to open another brower window:
<A HREF="CorelDraw.html" TARGET="top"> Go to the Corel Draw page</A>
Go to the Corel Draw page.

Full page view