P r o j e c t  

CSS Practice and 
CPT 108 · Franklin College · Erich Prisner · 2002-2007
  1. Download the html page shown here. Have a look at the code (disregard the javascript between body and head). Look at the two div-elements. One has an ID named navigation, the other is a class of type remark.
  2. Open Notepad and create a file that you call "Style.css". In this file you would write all the formatting explained below. You should only make one change in the HTML file: Open it, and insert the line <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="Slides.css" Type="text/css" Media="Screen" > inside the head.
  3. Start by formatting the whole sheet. Use the Body selector---then everything would apply to the whole body. Define the properties background-color, and a font-family.
  4. Next maybe you want to format the headings differently. Use font-family again, font-weight, font-style, and font-size. Experiment with color and background-color
  5. Also try line-height, letter-spacing, text-transform, and font-variant for some of the headings tags.
  6. Next format the paragraph tag and the blockquote tag with all of the properties above.
  7. For the blockquote tag, try margins, border, and padding with the properties described there. 
  8. Next format the "navigation" bar. Use margin, border, padding again, use different font properties, and so on. But most important are the following two properties: 1) Set the width to some value (say 30%, or 200px). Have a look on it. It doesn't look good? 2) Set the float property to left
  9. Next please format the remark area. Assign again width and float: right
  10. Put in a head for the page (giving Franklin College, the semester, your name). Use absolute positioning for placing this and the title of the page and the navigation bar.  


Please do all these steps above and 10 additional features from the CSS page. You may have to change the HTML text for this as well, for instance, inserting a list, and so on. Also put in 3 features that are not covered in my tutorial, but what you find on any additional CSS tutorial found on the web. Please tell me briefly, as a comment in your CSS file, what these additional 10 features and the additional 3 features are. The page should also look "good" at the end.

The project is due on Friday, October 13.