CMIS 160: Discrete Mathematics


Spring 2002


Syllabus (below) Schedule Messages
Polynomial Division Radix r representation logic
Euro and DM Recurrence Equations minimum spanning tree
Project 1 Project 2 Project 3
Project 4 Project 5 Project 6

Here is a more detailed index.

Instructor: Dr. Erich Prisner
  Office # 405A
  telephone: (07171) (1807) 145

Meeting Time: TTh 13:30 - 14:45 ULH.

Office Hours: MW 11:30 - 12:30 am, TTh 3:00 - 4:00 pm, and by appointment.

Text: "Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists" by J.K. Truss, second edition, Addison Wesley.

Course Content: Discrete mathematics is a relatively new part of mathematics, located between classical mathematics and computer science. No calculus is needed, and the problems treated are also very different from algebraic problems. Very often the questions could in principle be solved by condsidering a finite but huge number of configurations. Therefore, the increase of computer power has very much influenced the development of discrete mathematics.

The course will cover logic, sets, relations, algorithms, counting, graphs, and trees. It is very important to get used to the formal language of mathematics, but a large part of the class will also be spent trying to solve given quite concrete problems.

Calculator Policy: Students are encouraged to use any type of calculator on homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests. However, the instructor will occasionally ban the use of more sophisticated calculators on specific questions on a quiz or test.

Student Responsibilities: You are expected to read the material to be covered prior to coming to class. Write down questions and ask them during class. Attend class, work on the homework problems. Ask questions as soon as you have difficulties understanding something. Contact me as soon as problems occur. If you miss a class, you are expected to find out (by contacting me, for instance) which material was covered and which announcements were made during class.

Homework: Homework will be assigned every other week. It will be collected every other Friday, parts of it (approximately 20 %) of it will be graded, and it is returned the following week. No late homework will be accepted (!), unless written evidence of a medical (or other serious) problem is presented. But only the best 80% of the homework graded count for your homework grade. You are allowed (and encouraged) to work in groups and to discuss homework assignments, but everything submitted must be your own work. The homework is a very important part of the class: It will form the basis of much class discussion, and the questions in the tests and quizzes will usually be very close to homework exercises assigned.

Projects: Projects are a little more difficult, more complex questions that sometimes require several methods studied so far, and in some cases may be approached using computer tools. These projects are due each friday where no homework is due. Students have usually 2 weeks for each of these projects. Only the four best of the six assigned projects count for the grade.

Quizzes, Midterm, Final: There will be eleven 15-minute quizzes. Only the best nine of them count. There also will be a midterm exam and a final exam. If you know that you must miss a quiz or exam, then let me know in advance so that we can schedule another time. Otherwise, no make-up quizzes or tests are given, unless there is documented evidence of a medical (or other serious) problem.

Attendance: Regular attendance is required. Experience shows that students who do not attend on a regular basis, or who do not their homework, do poorly. Attendance is checked either by calling the roll or by circulating a list. Students are responsible to make sure that their name is on the list. You can gain or lose points counting towards your total grade according to the followings scheme: Grading: At the end of the semester, you will receive a score from 0 to 100, based on the following: Final grades will be determined as follows: Go to the weekly plan: