Difficulty Level 1: You want to transfer wolf ("W"), goat ("G"), and cabbage ("C") from the left bank of the river to the right bank. You, the only human there, are the rower, and don't leave the boat. The wolf wants to eat the goat, the goat wants to eat the cabbage, but nothing will happen as long as you are near. Beside you there is only place for one item in the boat. How can you achieve your task? Click on "W", "G", or "C" to put them in or out of the boat. Click the boat to get it moving.
In this puzzle you can hardly do anything wrong as long as you obey the rule
The puzzle being so simple, one might ask: Can we change it to make it more complicated? What happens if we have to move a school class? You can formulate the instance of your problem in the setup phase---everything you do before clicking on the word "Start"--- as follows:
After clicking "Start" you are in the playing phase. Try to move the students from the left bank to the right bank by clicking as before. Note that adjacent students would fight, so you can not leave students standing directly adjacent on the bank you leave.
Try different initial configurations, but stick to boat size 1.
Question 1: Which of the initial configurations are solvable with a boat of size 1?
next pageHere are links to certain other wolf, goat, cabbage pages in English or German:
English links:
Erich Prisner, 2002-2004