P r o j e c t   3  

MAT201 · Franklin College · Erich Prisner · 2006

due Tuesday, June 19.

Binomial Experiments

a) Create a tree diagram in Excel that computes the outcomes and their probabilities for a four-step (n=4) binomial experiment. For the random variable "number of successes" the probability distribution table as well as the graph should also be displayed. Compute also expected value and standard deviation for this random variable. All the values should change if you just change the probability of success.

b) On a different worksheet (page) use binomial coefficients and the Excel's FACT function to compute probability distribution table as well as its graph for n=4. Compute also expected value and standard deviation for this random variable. Again all values should change if you just change the probability of success.

c) Do the same as in (b) also for n=10 with binomial coefficients.

d) Do the same as in (b) for n=10 and for n=30 using the Excel's BINOMDIST function..

Erich Prisner, June 2006