Warm-Up 8, Due Thursday, May 3, before class.

Warm-up questions usually either address material we handled during last class, or material you were to read in preparation for class, or you are supposed to answer questions based on your common sense alone. Please answer each question in three or more sentences. It is OK to answer 'I don't know' - but try to tell me why you are confused! No late Warm Ups are accepted for any reason, and only those submitted electronically through this web page (or by email, if the web page has technical problems) are considered.

Your Name:

Refresh your memory how to play KUHNPOKER(3,2,1,2) in this applet. There will be a computer tournament, where every students is supposed to create one poker robot and send it into the knock-out tournament. The student who created the winner will win a (small, paperback) book. You will create the features of your robot, the mixed strategy by which it plays, in the following seven questions:

Question 1

What name should your robot have?

Question 2

Assume your robot plays the Ann (first player) role. So your robot will get a card from J to K and will have to decide, based on this card, whether it should raise or check. Tell me the 3 probabilities by which your computer should raise when facing a J, Q, K: Something like maybe 40% 0, 1, which would mean raise in 40% of the cases with a J, raise never (0) with a Q, and raise always (1) with a K.

Question 3

If your robot plays the Ann (first player) role and you checked first, Beth may raise. In this case you have to decide, based on your card, whether you want to call or fold. Tell me the 3 probabilities by which your computer should call when facing a J, Q, K:

Question 4

Assume your robot plays the Beth (second player) role. So your robot will get a card from J to K. If Ann raised, your robot will have to decide whether to call or fold. Tell me the 3 probabilities by which your computer should call when facing a J, Q, K:

Question 5

If your robot plays the Beth (second player) role and Ann has checked, you have to decide, based on your card, whether you want to raise or check. Tell me the 3 probabilities by which your computer should raise when facing a J, Q, K: