There are two players, you on the left, and the computer player on the right. Each player randomly gets a card from a 4r-cards deck. Each player looks at her card but doesn't know the opponent's card. Note that even the computer player cannot see your card! There is an ante (initial bet) of m Euros. There is an option to raise this to the higher value of n Euros. The game is sequential, with the roles of starting player Ann and second moving player Beth alternating between you and the computer player. Ann starts by either checking or raising.
You can select the parameters in the box to the right. n must be larger than m. You can also select your computer opponent. All of them play differently. |
Parameters: |
![]() |
![]() |
Check or Raise?
Fold or Call? |
Computer checks
Computer raises
Computer calls
Computer folds |
Computer wins
You win
How often does Left check as first mover: |
How often does Left raise as first mover: |
How often does Left fold as second mover: |
How often does Left call as second mover: |
How often does Right check as first mover: |
How often does Right raise as first mover: |
How often does Right fold as second mover: |
How often does Right call as second mover: |
Erich Prisner, 2012