This game is played with a deck of 12 cards, four Js, four Qs, four Ks.
Ann moves first by either checking or raising.
- If Ann checks, then Beth can check or raise.
- If Beth checks, both cards are revealed and the player with the higher card wins the pot,
splitting it again equally in case of a draw.
- If Beth raises, she increases the bet to n. Then Ann has two options,
she can either fold or call.
- If Ann folds, Beth gets the pot money of n+m. Again
Ann's card is not revealed.
- If Ann calls, she also increases her bet to n. Then both cards are revealed,
and the player with the higher card gets the money of 2n, splitting the money
in case of a draw.
- If Ann raises, she increases the bet to n. Then Beth has two options,
she can either fold or call.
- If Beth folds, Ann gets the pot money of n+m, i.e. wins m.
Beth's card is not revealed in that case.
- If Beth calls, she also increases her bet to n. Then both cards are revealed again,
and the player with the higher card gets the money of 2n, i.e. wins n. Again, in case of a draw
the money is split equally.
Bafor playing, you can change the minimum bet m, the raise n-m, and the computer opponent.
If the game is played repeatedly, the role of first moving Ann alternates.
| |
| |
Check or Raise?
Fold or Call? |
Computer checks
Computer raises
Computer calls
Computer folds |
Computer wins
You win
Erich Prisner, 2012