MAT109 · Erich Prisner · Franklin College · 2007-2009

Some Location Games

Note to the Teacher: Section 1, Doctor location, is rather simple and more a warm-up.
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Prerequisites: Chapters 1, and 2.

In this chapter we discuss the simultaneous versions of different location games played on undirected graphs. We discuss two different games, one where two doctors have to choose their location, and one where two different restaurant chains choose locations for their restaurants. Depending on the underlying graphs, on the number of locations to choose we get rather different versions. but we will see that all these games share some interesting features, like existence of pure Nash equilibria. The corresponding sequential versions will be discussed later.

Like a digraph, an undirected graph consists of vertices. But instead of being connected by arcs with directions, some pairs of vertices are connected by edges which don't have a direction and can be used both ways. Usually they are visualized by curves connecting the two vertices. Vertices connected by an edge are called adjacent. Note that edges may cross, like in the graph to the right. There is an edge connecting vertices 4 and 5, and another one connecting vertices 3 and 6, but none connecting vertices 4 and 6. Therefore vertices 4 and 6 are not adjacent, nor are vertices 3 and 5.

We use graphs for modeling islands. The vertices represent the villages, and the edges the roads between the villages. Two villages are called adjacent if they are connected by a direct road. Crossings between edges should always be thought as one bridging over the other, therefore it is not possible to change the roads there.

1. Doctor Location

Doctor Location Game: On a small island, the different villages are connected by a system of streets. Two medical doctors, Ann and Beth, are about to settle. On average, every one on the island sees a doctor once a year, and always chooses the nearest one. The measure for distance is the number of roads one has to travel to go there. In case of a tie, half of the citizens of that village go to Dr. Ann and the other half to Dr. Beth.
In the simultaneous version of the game, both Ann and Beth are forced by the island government to submit a proposal for their location simultaneously. What should they choose?

Here you can play the game with different graphs: Graph 1, Graph 2, Graph 3, Graph 4, Graph 5, Graph 6

Note that the game is a constant-sum game, since each islander goes to one doctor once a year. Thus the sum of the patients of both doctors equals the number of islanders. These features of the games allow us already to derive the following condition for pure Nash equilibria:

Fact: In every symmetric constant-sum simultaneous game, every pure Nash equilibrium has equal payoff for both players.
Proof: Look at an outcome where one player, say Ann, has a payoff of less than half the constant sum C. Then this move for Ann could not be her best response for the chosen move for Beth, since she can always get C/2 by choosing the same move as Beth.

Note that this theorem does not say that those outcomes where both players get equal payoff are Nash equilibria. And although there are, under the condition mentioned above, always such outcomes---all outcomes where both players make identical choices--- there may not even be a pure Nash equilibrium.

Take as an example the graph displayed to the right, and let me explain how the payoff matrix of the game is derived.

Continuing in this way, and keeping in mind that the game is symmetric, one can get the whole bimatrix of the game, which looks as follows:
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
 1  7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2   4, 3   9/2, 5/2  7/2, 7/2   4, 3   9/2, 5/2 
 2  7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2   4, 3    4, 3   7/2, 7/2   4, 3   9/2, 5/2 
 3   3, 4    3, 4   7/2, 7/2   4, 3   7/2, 7/2   4, 3    4, 3 
 4  5/2, 9/2   3, 4    3, 4   7/2, 7/2  5/2, 9/2  7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2 
 5  7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2  9/2, 5/2  7/2, 7/2  9/2, 5/2   4, 3 
 6   3, 4    3, 4    3, 4   7/2, 7/2  5/2, 9/2  7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2 
 7  5/2, 9/2  5/2, 9/2   3, 4   7/2, 7/2   3, 4   7/2, 7/2  7/2, 7/2 

The Maximin moves for both players are moves 1, 2, and 5, and the corresponding values, the security levels, are 7/2 for each. Actually the four other moves 3, 4, 6, and 7 are weakly dominated by each of these moves. There are nine pure Nash equilibria, the shaded cells. As noted above, all of them must have payoffs of 7/2 for both players (but not all such fair outcomes, where both get 7/2, are pure Nash equilibria). Note also that every combination of choices of villages 1, 2, or 5 results in a Nash equilibrium.

The villagers of the island are not players of that game, since they don't make decisions. Still there is a payoff for them, having a doctor close to their home or not. The negative of the sum of all lengths of the paths to the nearest doctor could be considered to be the payoff for the island society. Obviously letting the two doctors choose their location freely does not necessarily minimize this sum of path lengths, and therefore does not maximize society's payoff, as can be seen by the rather ridiculous choice of 1 versus 1. The sum of all path lengths to the nearest doctor is 9 here, whereas in the Nash equilibrium of 2 versus 5, this sum is as low as 5.

1.1 More than one location


1.2 Geometric Version

Play the game here. ...

2. Restaurant Location

Adam Smith coined the phrase "the invisible hand" in his book "The Wealth of Nation". This phrase stands for the claim that, if government allows the different agents to act freely, almost magically a solution best for the whole society will occur. Of course, nowadays we know that some mechanisms work like this and others don't. We have just seen in the previous section that letting doctors choose their location does not necessarily result in a solution desirable for the villagers. In this section we look at a differen model, where the invisible hand might work.

Restaurant Location Game: On a small island, the different villages are connected by a system of streets. Two Sushi restaurants, Ann's and Beth's, are about to open. Both have the same quality and price level, and are almost indistinguishable. Market research shows the following: In the simultaneous version of the game, both Ann and Beth are forced by the island government to simultaneously submit a proposal for the location of their restaurant. What location should they choose?

Play the game here on Graph 1, Graph 2, Graph 6, Graph 8, Graph 9, or Graph 10.

Different to the doctor version, the restaurant version is not a constant-sum game, since the total number of customers varies. If both restaurants are placed far apart, the total number of customers would normally be higher than if the restaurants are located in adjacent villages, or even in the same village. Let me explain how the payoffs are computed in these three cases. It turns out that they only depend on three quantities namely the number d(x) of neighbors of vertex x, the number d(y) of neighbors of y, and the number n(x,y) of common neighbors of the vertices x and y, where x and y are the locations of Ann's and Beth's restaurants.

2.1 A first Graph (Graph 6)

Look at the graph displayed to the right. Again you can play Restaurant placement on this graph . Let me explain in three examples how the payoff matrix of the game is derived.

Doing all these computations, we arrive at the following payoff bimatrix:

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
 1  5/4, 5/4  7/4, 7/4  7/4, 7/4  2, 3/2  2, 2  9/4, 7/4  9/4, 7/4 
 2  7/4, 7/4  5/4, 5/4  7/4, 7/4  9/4, 7/4  9/4, 9/4  9/4, 7/4  2, 3/2 
 3  7/4, 7/4  7/4, 7/4  5/4, 5/4  2, 3/2  2, 2  5/2, 2  9/4, 7/4 
 4  3/2, 2  7/4, 9/4  3/2, 2  1, 1  3/2, 2  7/4, 7/4  2, 2 
 5  2, 2  9/4, 9/4  2, 2  2, 3/2  5/4, 5/4  2, 3/2  9/4, 7/4 
 6  7/4, 9/4  7/4, 9/4  2, 5/2  7/4, 7/4  3/2, 2  1, 1  3/2, 3/2 
 7  7/4, 9/4  3/2, 2  7/4, 9/4  2, 2  7/4, 9/4  3/2, 3/2  1, 1 

The Maximin moves for both players are 1, 2, 3, and 5, exactly the vertices with three neighbors. The Security Level achieved by these moves is 5/4.

There are four Nash equilibria, which are shaded in the table. Two of them are shown below, the other two are obtained by interchanging Ann's and Beth's move.

For these graph they are the only outcomes where every village is adjacent to some restaurant, but of course this is not true in general. Still it may seem that the Nash equlibria are also good for the society insofar as they give a distribution that reaches as many people as possible. In the example, the four Nash equilibria are the only outcomes where the sum of the payoffs reaches the maximum occuring value of 9/2. Are these observations true in general?

2.2 A second Graph (Graph 1)

Play the game here on Graph 1.

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
 1  5/4, 5/4   7/4, 7/4   2, 2   2, 2   7/4, 9/4   2, 2   9/4, 9/4  
 2  7/4, 7/4   5/4, 5/4    9/4, 9/4   2, 2   7/4, 9/4   2, 2   2, 2  
 3  2, 2   9/4, 9/4   5/4, 5/4   2, 2   7/4, 9/4   2, 2   2, 2  
 4  2, 2   2, 2   2, 2   5/4, 5/4  2, 5/2   7/4, 7/4  2, 2  
 5  9/4, 7/4   9/4, 7/4   9/4, 7/4   5/2, 2   3/2, 3/2   5/2, 2   9/4, 7/4  
 6  2, 2   2, 2   2, 2   7/4, 7/4  2, 5/2   5/4, 5/4  2, 2  
 7  9/4, 9/4   2, 2   2, 2   2, 2   7/4, 9/4   2, 2   5/4, 5/4  

This game has eight pure Nash equilibria, colored in the bimatrix above. Again four of them are shown below, the other four are just obtained by interchanging the moves of the players.

The conjecture about the Nash equilibria being the only outcomes maximizing the sum of the payoffs of the two players (and thereby also maximizing the number of villagers reached) is also true in this example.

2.3 Weights

Variants of the games are obtained by considering graphs with different weights of the vertices--- meaning that the villages have no longer equal but varying population. In Graph 3, for instance, vertices 4, 7, and 10 have double weight.

The above description of the payoffs is still valid, but d(x) now must mean the sum of the weights of the neighbors of vertex x, n(x,y) the sum of the weights of the common neighbors of x and y, and w(x) and w(y) the weights of x and y. Then, if Ann places her restaurant in location x and Beth in location y,

2.4. Existence of Pure Nash Equilibria

Every one-restaurant location game, even when played with weights, has the following properties:

Theorem: A symmetric simultaneous 2-player game whose payoff bimatrix has the form desribed above has at least one Nash equilibrium in pure strategies.

In the restaurant location game with one restaurant to choose for each player, f(x) is the payoff Ann would get from the restaurant in x in the absence of Beth. using the notations d(x) and n(x,y) described above, f(x)=w(x)+d(x)/2. The symmetric value g(x,y)=g(y,x) is the amount that has to be subtracted form this ideal maximum possible payoff f(x) when placing at x, due to the sharing of some possible customers. It equals

Theorem: All simultaneous restaurant location games with or without weights, with one restaurant for each player, have at least one Nash equilibrium in pure strategies.

2.5 More than one restaurant

We could also play variants where two restaurant chains place not only one but several restaurants each. The

Let us discuss what can happen at the example of Graph 10. ..........

Assume Blue plays 4,6 and Red plays 2,5. Both expect a payoff 3.25. However, if Blue would know what that Red would play 2,5, she would change her move and rather play either 1,9, as shown , or ... as shown below. In both cases, she would increase her payoff to 3.5. ...

To the right is parth of the condensed best response digraph. Obviously dominated moves, like placing both restaurant in the same village, are eliminated, Furthermore all moves that are not best responses of another move are eliminated. Those moves that are not best response of a best response of a best reponse ... of a move, with arbitrary length of this sequence, are displayed in light bold. In the remaining part, many cycles can be observed, but no cycles of length 2 or 1, thus there is no pure Nash equilibrium.

BAUSTELLE: Beispiel fuer Spiele ohne pure Nash equilibria

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  1. Project: RESEARCH: Compute all Nash equilibria of the Restaurant Location Game for several graphs, and test whether they all maximize the sum of the payoffs of the two players.
    If it is true for all examples, does it make the general conjecture any truer? And what if it is not true for some example?

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