Homework 3
This homework is due on Thursday, February 25, right before class.
- Alex: 5.3/4, 5.3/12, 5.3/18, 5.4/22, 5.4/8, 5.4/14,
5.4/35, question 1 below, question 4 below,
- Amilcar: 5.3/4, 5.3/7, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/8, 5.4/15,
5.4/35, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Bobby: 5.3/4, 5.3/7, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/7, 5.4/13,
5.4/35, question 2 below, question 4 below,
- Caitlin: 5.3/4, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/9, 5.4/13,
5.4/35, question 2 below, question 3 below,
- Callie: 5.3/3, 5.3/7, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/9, 5.4/15,
5.4/35, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Carlos: 5.3/3, 5.3/7, 5.3/18, 5.4/22, 5.4/8, 5.4/15,
5.4/29, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Colin: 5.3/2, 5.3/6, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/8, 5.4/13,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 4 below,
- Diego: 5.3/4, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/9, 5.4/16,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 4 below,
- Frank: 5.3/3, 5.3/7, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/7, 5.4/14,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 3 below,
- Jessica: 5.3/4, 5.3/6, 5.3/19, 5.4/22, 5.4/9, 5.4/15,
5.4/35, question 1 below, question 4 below,
- Jonathan: 5.3/1, 5.3/12, 5.3/18, 5.4/22, 5.4/9, 5.4/15,
5.4/29, question 2 below, question 4 below,
- Jordan: 5.3/3, 5.3/6, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/8, 5.4/13,
5.4/30, question 1 below, question 4 below,
- Lacie: 5.3/3, 5.3/12, 5.3/18, 5.4/23, 5.4/9, 5.4/13,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 3 below,
- Madison: 5.3/2, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/8, 5.4/16,
5.4/29, question 1 below, question 4 below,
- Milani: 5.3/3, 5.3/6, 5.3/19, 5.4/23, 5.4/8, 5.4/13,
5.4/30, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Mikhail: 5.3/3, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/8, 5.4/15,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 4 below,
- Mounia: 5.3/1, 5.3/7, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/7, 5.4/15,
5.4/29, question 1 below, question 4 below,
- Nada: 5.3/4, 5.3/12, 5.3/19, 5.4/22, 5.4/9, 5.4/13,
5.4/29, question 2 below, question 4 below,
- Rozie: 5.3/2, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/7, 5.4/13,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 3 below,
- Salem: 5.3/4, 5.3/7, 5.3/18, 5.4/23, 5.4/8, 5.4/13,
5.4/29, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Sarah: 5.3/2, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/9, 5.4/14,
5.4/29, question 2 below, question 3 below,
- Sonja: 5.3/1, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/23, 5.4/8, 5.4/15,
5.4/30, question 2 below, question 3 below,
- Stephen: 5.3/4, 5.3/6, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/8, 5.4/15,
5.4/35, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Verena: 5.3/2, 5.3/12, 5.3/20, 5.4/22, 5.4/9, 5.4/14,
5.4/29, question 1 below, question 3 below,
- Draw the plane graph of the following polyhedron:
- A connected plane graph has nine vertices having degress 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, and 5.
How many edges are there? How many regions?
- Is there a plane graph without vertices of degree 6 or less?
Try to find one, and if you don't succeed, describe why you cannot find some.
A proof would even be better.
Find the dual of the following graph.