CPT 105
Franklin College
Spring 2004
Erich Prisner
Files and Folders and Extensions
- What is on a secondary storage device (like on a hard disk)?
- How is what is on the device organized?
- What is a file, what is a folder?
- How does the computer (or you) find a particular file?
- What is the path of a file?
- How would you find a file if you forgot where you put it (the path) but
remember the name?
- Files are pictured by different icons. What does it mean?
- Sometimes (?) file names have a dot in it? What's the reason for this?
- What is an extension and why is it necessary?
- Can I change the settings to always see the extensions?
- I have a new browser but if I click on a saved web page, still internet
explorer opens the page. How could I change this?
- What is a relative path and where would I use it?
- What extensions (kind of files) do you know?