CPT 105
Franklin College
Spring 2004
Erich Prisner
Browsers and Searching the Internet
- What is a "browser"
- What can you do with a browser?
- Where do you get a browser from?
- What different brands of browsers exist?
- How would you navigate in a browser, what is the meaning of the buttons
on the top?
- What is a webpage, what is a link?
- (What is a plug-in?)
- How do you get information on a specific topic on the internet?
- "Google" is a well-known search engine. What does it mean?
- How does a search engine work?
- Why is "Google" nowadays so popular?
- If your Google search was not successful, what else could you do?
- What is a internet directory?
- What is the open directory, and how does it work?
- Is everything you find on the internet true or of high quality?